Monday, July 27, 2009

children are the most spiritual

AndhraBhoomiAsian AgeFinancial Chronicle

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Children are the most spiritual

July 26th, 2009
By Shyleswari M. Rao
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You might find this hard to believe, but saints, soothsayers or faith healers are not the most spiritual beings on Earth. That singular distinction goes to children and them alone. You might ask why and I could give you a thousand reasons. But above all, it’s the incorruptible nature of their innocent minds that makes them one of God’s finest creations.Let’s take a simple analogy to illustrate this. As a child you might remember attending family functions, ala a wedding, a housewarming ceremony, the baptism of a cousin and so on. And as is common during such occasions, your parents would’ve prodded you into saying ‘hello’ to that distant uncle or a maternal aunt whom you haven’t met since God knows how long.At that age, your response would be pretty natural i.e. if you wanted to greet them, you would instantly do so. And if you didn’t feel like it, you wouldn’t. But that’s not the case when you grow up. The same request would be treated in an altogether different context.A thousand queries begin flooding your mind; like would greeting the person in question open a new avenue for you — personally, professionally or otherwise? Would it raise your bar in the eyes of those around you? With so much of premeditation going on in your mind, a simple act of just greeting a person turns complicated.But children are devoid of this complexity. They don’t come with any baggage — mental, psychological, familial, whatsoever. The tendency and ability to scheme and manipulate things according to one’s requirement is exclusive to adults, not children. For them, every transaction doesn’t begin with the notion ‘what’s in it for me?’This selfless nature is in itself Godliness, a state where the concern for self is not the highest priority. It’s just one among the several things adults can learn from children — in this case not attaching a value proposition to every interaction in life.In many ways, spirituality is about getting in touch with your inner child. There are some very valid arguments to support this. For starters, look at the harried lives that millions around the world are living these days. You can see a pattern of dysfunction emerge right from the time adults begin supervising the lives of their children in a success-driven manner.At school, one is expected to be nothing less than perfect. In college, every ounce of imperfection has to be offset by an exceptional achievement in another sphere; otherwise it becomes impossible to be a part of the pack. At least, this is how children are being groomed these days. And the same values get translated to their adulthood as well.For those overtly concerned about their physical appearance or the fact that they are aging too soon, take some pointers from children. There’s nothing more important to a child than living in the now or the present. Sometimes, their need to stay in the present might come across as stubbornness. But have you ever seen children forsaking a game of cricket with their friends, out of fear of dirtying their clothes or of getting injured during play?For them, it’s the pleasure of living in the present that’s more important; shabby clothes and bruises are just incidental. It is said that spirituality has an answer to almost every question in life. When you’re faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, you look for salvation in God. But then, one doesn’t really need to go looking for peace of mind or happiness to reach places. You can find it within yourself, within your inner child.
The writer is a human growth trainer at theVed Vyas Inner Space
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Submitted by sabari bala (not verified) on Mon, 27/07/2009 - 6:33pm.
great article.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


The speechless see my music

The sightless the vibrations

Spaces marveled by the visionary

And the watchful wind swings unfurls my future

Casting it without a net

Scatters fall like drops of shops

An association, a world wide web

For this moment
I am the center
I hold and withhold
I go and let go this moment over into the future

Yeah it was Guru Purnima , after a long seated meditation , i was recharged to face the music this world plays .
the sublimity of his gentle eyes , the touchin kindness, was like a soft quilt on cold night.

i resolved none of these are my problems , since you created me , you created these problems .
and Im sure you will take care of them
all yours
and I hear from Him, late at night ,he calls me and says 'Molu' I just wanted to talk to you !!
If this is not love what else is it??


Sunday, June 21, 2009

On Living Life and Building Relationships without Blame

Let me segment the article into 5
What is Blame?
Why do we do it?
What happens to the other person when we do it?
What’s the true perspective?
How can we live in harmony?

What is Blame?

Blame is pinpointing to someone else, criticizing or holding someone or something other than self as responsible .or indulge in a finger pointing exercise .Harass with constant criticism

I speak from a personal experience, I have grown up as a child blaming and receiving it in equal measure. As a teenager I have been reduced in it .as a young adult I decided in my subconscious that I was not going to take it anymore and decided to retaliate strongly whenever I heard it and so we played the better part of our lives living through it or passing it on wherever possible or whoever was wiling to take it. I assumed it to be a logical way of life , blissfully ignorant of the pain I was causing to myself indirectly and to the others directly . I went about thinking I had absolved myself of any wrong doing and I had a right to be angry and aggressive

At another level we had it reinforced in subtle ways that we had to be ashamed and repent or at least feel remorseful or we were most welcome to go on a guilt trip if you please.
So we duly accepted that as the last word and we excavated each little error, each little mistake and grew more and more self righteous since we had confessed our sins now it was your turn. And if you did not, God forbid! You were slotted as arrogant and headstrong.
So the spiral grew .

Till as I reach my middle age I realize and look back with amusement and amazement at the sad designs we drew for ourselves and those we professed to love.

Why do we blame another?

It makes us feel good. It makes us feel that we are right and helps us place the responsibility on another without any wrongness for our self.
It gives an edge to be aggressive, or offensive or even victimized.
Our human mind works in a myriad ways, seeking, coping, releasing or protecting this simple fragile self. As a result we behave in a manner which coincides with this inner need.

What happens to the other when I blame?

He probably cannot find meaning if he /she had nothing worthy of the blame. He can withdraw, or get reactive, offend or finally end up cutting off. The life breath slowly gets choked, clogged and the pollution makes communication difficult. To overcome this, one could sit aside and talk dialogue as an adult in a mature fashion, it calls for a humungous inner strength to speak the truth with candor and courage, one of the major fears of this action is the consequence that can happen.

Another perspective
As an NVC –Non Violent Communication supporter I see and experience that it is possible to communicate without such negative feelings.
Imagine that all humans regardless of caste color or creed are here in this world for a purpose. The person may or may not be aware of it .That no life or eternal journey was completed when he died, merely that the level was done and he had to move onto another level, the questions would be different the next time. He was here because he had to learn how to cop e with issues that he created for himself, choosing lessons that he needed to learn .He could either sail through or make it worse or play it the way he chose at the beginning. That’s free will for you

For instance let’s say that I need to learn lessons on how to cope with abandonment.
I lost my Dad when I was 8, though I could not articulate the pain, or loss the fear and anxiety remains. Years later I subconsciously play it out with over dependence on my close ones. This could irritate my daughter who needs to learn to cope with self reliance. Surely there’s going to be blame, and fault finding and the whole works

If I could remember that she’s not here because of me or for me , she’s here to learn her lessons , and I can at best be there for her like the way I did when she was in her school . It gives me the distance and acceptance that there is nothing to blame anybody for. Everyone is who they are.
It even gave me an insight into the Gestalt Prayer. (I do my thing and you do your thingI am not in this world tolive up to your expectations,and you are not in this world tolive up to mine.You are youand I am Iand if by chance we find each other,it's beautiful )
More than anything else it gave me the perception and freedom. It liberated me into thinking that I am responsible for myself. And it gave new insights into detachment. Opening myself to be independent of reasoning ability .to meet others blame with skill , grace and ease .

So how can I live in harmony?

I need to let go of worn out limited beliefs. I simply have to accept that everybody is in their rightful orbit .There are more possibilities than what I can comprehend .There is a Guiding Hand in everyone’s life.
And this too will pass.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Published in Efflorescence 09

When I descend
From the other side
I see cobwebs
Dust heads
Books with a hang over
And tipsy CDs
after a long night’s rock and roll

I immediately tuck the
Edge of my sari
My clambering need to sweep, shake
flog, rearrange and re schedule

Makes a lot of sparks fly
some settle on me
and some on you

Your hair stands up
as singed and electrocuted

Injured I say ‘I was only trying to help “

No! I love this chaos.
this hue , this mystery
Can’t you see!

Oh! But I know
all the answers
Says me

Honey! You may have all the answers
It’s my chaos, my hues
And the mystery is me

If you only understood
And accepted me

What’s the need to do?
Just let’s be

Twirling and twirling
To that momentous song
You whirl and weave
in an eternal eight

I stand there
my mouth an awning
You step on my toes
and I yelp out in pain

My protest and tears
touch you a month later

You say ‘Yeah I
Love my freedom and space
so get out of my way
appreciate me
and see my body sway ‘

I hear you say
Not to cry and react
But enjoy your
Dance every single day

I wonder at the logic
You do what you want to do
Claim your space

But I should relinquish
my space, stuff my anguish
and enjoy your gaiety and spontaneity too

What a wonderful world!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have been thinking about this and needed to observe this before I came back to you.
For the past two weeks I have been at odd with this beautiful concept of seeing ‘sameness’ vis a vis ‘otherness ‘ in our community .

Culturally India has been living in large communities both at a familial level and socially too. However with Westernization individualization comes along as a corollary , and I myself have become oriented towards me and my family , slowly shedding my siblings families and others who my parents would not even have considered to do without.

As we share our tea, friends of my generation seem to linger on vistas that used to be.
For instance our childhood that was easy and light in comparison to our children who now consider any remark or comment as nosy or infringing on their privacy.

Living in a metro they have that freedom and autonomy of being relieved of judgment as they see it While 20 years back it was perceived as concern without sophisticated communication skills

We had festivals and celebrations without knowing who sponsored it. Marriages where you did not have to have a proper invite, naming ceremonies, and baby showers all reasons to converge and celebrate. on e did not have to know” who” died, just that the family was grieving was reason enough to support them in any which way we could.
Today these acts are considered ill mannered and intrusive.

To me personally it brings me closer to understanding my Mother’s words “If you draw a line sure enough there will be two segments. Right or wrong not withstanding “
So when I say this is my boundary certainly there is exclusion, and inclusion and most human beings long for inclusion. This is why we seek to exclude because in a very illogical way we get included and therefore some form of acceptance happens as an outcome.

To understand the wariness that is happening all over the world , it is quite disturbing as we are bombarded day in and day out scenes of terror , violence , death , murder , rape , anger , assaults and much more through the media .is it any wonder then that our sense of self preservation will not mount to the fore .?

Our trust levels are low and fear lurks as we meet strangers, not knowing what can happen out of this association.

It certainly pays to be safe than sorry

As our world shrinks in the palm of our hand, there is hardly a place safe from negative inquiry.

I loved the quote of Chard in and have pasted it in front of my screen, to serve as a reminder that Yes, we need to hold hands and make this ascent a natural way of being

What are your thoughts on this West African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child?”

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Recently I was fuming and flew off my handle with a dear one.
I thought enough is enough!
I went through some real anger, self righteousness, analyzing, judging and blame at others.

I even banged my toes which to me is a physical manifestation of my own inability to move or walk away from a problem. However it did give me time to think in a sorry and sad way for myself about what I was doing to myself.

I was immobilized and all activities came to a stand still. I was forced by the Universe to stay in bed till I was ready to face the issue.
I had time to be with my thoughts and more importantly listen to them,

Some of my feelings that I could agree with was one, that I was very upset , because I had high expectations from him , and even though I thought I had communicated well, the message was not received in the way in which I meant it that led to this breakdown of communication and resulted in my being upset .

On his part he felt that I was not kind or understanding enough about his situation. this led to a mismatch of our needs. I was mad with myself for not being in charge of my feelings and emotions. I went into a guilt trip for not being stronger and more compassionate.

That’s when it struck me … Was I being compassionate to myself first?
A strong No! Was the answer I got from within?

I began to be kinder to myself fill myself with appreciation, acceptance and gentleness that I needed for my Self it took me a week to be my own best Pal. once I was filled with calmness and tranquility I was able to see the “other” in the same way .

I was able to stomach what happened
My health slowly improved, the pain that manifested in my legs started to subside.

I am now able to see that my empathy for myself can be reflected only when I am able to come from a space of consideration for myself and the other,
To see a ‘sameness’ instead of ‘otherness’ can happen only when I am calm and receptive
To relate with compassion instead of mere passion is an essential truth if I want to build relationships

I can up the settings instead of being upset with the settings

Monday, May 18, 2009


"What do you know? Do you know how much I love you? Do you know that it is because of you that I got into trouble, because I copied it for you to get my design right, yet I never minded it? I thought ok I would do this for you."

Deeksha was greeted with silence and she prompted him saying --Hallo are you there?

Deeksha got one single line in response – Go die you bitch !

Tripthi and Devika completed their designs at 1.45 am and groggily switched on the bedroom light to change and crash on to the bed.

When they saw Deeksha mumbling in her sleep "I have had enough , I want to die "

Ho!!! Akbar problems again huh! And winked at Tripthi

When suddenly Devika noticed blue strips of tablets strewn all over , prodding Deeksha then shaking her and pulling her they realize that she has attempted to live in eternity .

Hands trembling they call up all the numbers on her mobile

Friends rush to their house and they march to the hospital carrying her frightened and all modes running on auto pilot, giving command s and steering her across the silent night.
The hospital shakes their head sadly and says it's a medico legal case we cannot do it.

So they rush all over again in a ambulance to Propollo Hospital and the docs put on their gloves to wash her stomach and they keep her in an I—see-- you

Parents come driving all the way only to say why couldn't you have prevented it?? What kind of roommates are you both???

Web of Life

The Web of Life
We did not weave the web of life; we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
- Chief Seattle
Interdependence is a basic human needs. Our web of life is woven with acceptance, closeness, community, contribution, empathy, love, respect, support and trust.
We all know how crucial these various aspects of interdependence are. To understand ourselves, we must first ask:
How important to me is:
Once we have an idea of our own level of need in the area of interdependence we can understand our part as a "strand" in the web of life.
Mindful Practice for the Week
Spend some time this week defining the various aspects of Interdependence for yourself. Explore how these needs play themselves out in your daily interactions. Enjoy your week!