Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What do you mean by Empowerment ?

I have often heard this high sounding word bandied about like crazy . its a buzz word that's in common parlance with NGO's Women's Activists , The Big Fight etc .
To me I'm now figuring out what can it really mean ---not so much in a semantic sense , but more from a humdrum daily day to day life .
Anyway the Randon House Dictionary states that empower '1 means to give power or authority to 2 to enable or permit '

What does Empowerment entitle?
Can it be transferred? transmitted? When does one really say the person is empowered ?
Have you met anyone who you can point your fingers and say he is an empowered person . Which reminds me-----
Are men empowered ?Do they also require empowerment ?What goes into the process of empoerment ?

Do the adivasis need empowerment? The West?
Don't get me wrong I'm thinking aloud .
For me the bug bear is Who are you or I to give our muddy presciptive thoughts and say with finality yes -'you , you and you need empowering . so come with me and I will show you the way .'
How do you know what my thoughts are? what my needs are ? what my reality is?
why should your size fit me ?
Because you articulate well, package well , people buy you more are you empowered ?
My second zone of discomfort with this theory comes from what if the empoweree( forgive the new coinage ) in actuality ends up switching or exchanging or even giving in , to one form of empowerer to another .
In other words I merely have been empowered from X to another, and that is U .
I like this not .
ok let me toss this question in another way
What does being non-empowered mean ?
To me it means not having the freedom of choice for one, not having the ability to take an informed decision , based on ones own reality . Not having the wherewithal to sustain ecologically , economically , emotionally , and spiritually .

If you agree these are the fundamental criteria for empowerment how many of us and who can pole vault ?


Unknown said...

Dr.Ambedkar was not given Empowerment he decided what was good for him, we empower ourselves. Your personality and knowledge well empower yourself with the right powers naturally.

shyleswari said...

Yes I agree Guru . only we can empower ourselves

do keep reading and critiquing
